Monday, November 3, 2008


I found this animation on You Tube. Its a animation done in Flash. We will be using flash on our next project,  but this animation involves so much more than  I know. I only know simple tweens and keyframes! These basics were probably used to create the animation, but it took a greater amount of time to create a 3 minute animation.

I liked this animation because it was made to go along to one of my favorite bands, Coldplay. The animation also is created with the same feel that a movie would have. The camera angle panning across a scene, the fade ins and outs. The movement of each figure is rather simple, either their eyes blinking, or hand moving. There wasn't any full body movement, which I liked. It got the message across with rather simple movements. I like the illustrative style the the figures were created in. They are stylized, with rather geometric lines. 

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