Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Net Art

Casey Reas

The artist Casey Reas, wanted to be able to create a software that was as fluid and artistic as drawing and painting was. He spent a lot of time creating a core piece of coding, and then gradually began altering it to make it do different things. He wanted to make the "software drawings" fluid and organic like real drawings. 
After looking at several of his pieces, I think he was successful in making a computer generated image look like the fluid nature of drawing. You loose yourself in his pure organic forms, and the elegant subtle movement they create. The subject of his works are abstract, nonrepresentational. 

The basic idea to his works are many simple shapes, duplicating upon themselves to draw and create larger shapes. The movement that is shown by the smaller shapes creating the bigger picture ads to the elegance of the work. Even though his works are rather simple, consisting of black and white, or few colors, they are very elegant and entertaining to look at. 

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